My Thoughts on Wellness

My Favorite Spring Vegetables
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

My Favorite Spring Vegetables

Who doesn’t love spring time? The sun is shining brighter and the days are becoming longer, not to mention the farmers markets are flourishing with delicious fresh produce. Spring time is the start of all my favorite vegetables coming back into season. Don’t get me wrong, I love my winter squashes, but there is something about cooking with ingredients that shine bright in flavor and color wether they are raw or roasted!

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Happy am I. Healthy am I. Holy am I.
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

Happy am I. Healthy am I. Holy am I.

I learned this saying from my mom when I was in high school. She encouraged me to say it out-loud to my self threes time each night before bed and again three times in the morning before I got out of bed. It brought me a sense of peace before I slept and before I started my day. If you are not big into meditation, this may be there perfect way for you to find a peaceful and positive mantra in your life each day. It doesn’t take much time at all to repeat out loud three times or maybe even write it in a journal. Think about what makes you happy, healthy, and holy.

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My Fall Favorites
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

My Fall Favorites

I have to say, Fall is my ALL time favorite time of the year. I love the crisp air and cold nights. Not to mention the colors changing in the leaves. 🍁 We do not get much of that in Southern California, but I do enjoying seeing your amazing photos that are being posted from all around. As soon as the produce at the farmers markets shifts, I instantly get in the mood to make soup and bake. There is nothing like a chilly night in with a bowl of soup finished off by a pumpkin treat. There are certain fruits, vegetables, and flavors that I love to use this time of year. Here is a list of some of my favorite Fall flavors and foods.

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My High-Protein Plant Based Eats- Part 2
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

My High-Protein Plant Based Eats- Part 2

As I mentioned in Part 1 of my High Protein Plant Based Eats, I have been on a journey of eating less animal protein for well over 5 years now. When I first made the switch I was not getting the proper nutrients my body wanted. In the past two years I have been able to adjust my diet to find what type of day to day diet works best for my body. I am primarily pescatarian, I mainly eat fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, fish, and some dairy, and stay away from meat and poultry. Dairy is a hard one for me, I try to stay clear of diary, but definitely dive into a yummy cheese board. Fish being my only source of animal protein, I knew I needed to find plant based foods high in protein as well. There are multiple different legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds that provide your body with loads of protein. But it doesn’t end there, each vegetable you add to your dish contains more protein then you would think! Many question going vegetarian or vegan because they think the diet lacks adequate protein, well, almost all plant based foods have protein! Here is a list of my top high-protein vegetables that I consume weekly!

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My High-Protein Plant Based Eats- Part 1
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

My High-Protein Plant Based Eats- Part 1

I have been on a journey of eating less animal protein for well over 5 years now. I first tried to go vegan in high school and found myself eating crackers with almond butter for lunch and quickly realized I was not getting the nutrients my body needed. In the past two years I have been able to find what type of day to day diet works best for my body. I am primarily pescatarian, I mainly eat fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, fish, and some dairy, and stay away from meat and poultry. I prefer to not eat dairy but sometimes its hard to turn down an artisanal cheese board or a bite of cake on my birthday! I try to eat fish 2-3 times a week, always wild caught from local fish markets. With fish being my main source of protein, I knew I needed to find plant based foods high in protein as well.

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My Panchakarma Experience
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

My Panchakarma Experience

People always look at me funny and wonder what I am talking about when I say the words Panchakarma and Ayurveda. I am writing this post to share with you guys a little bit about what I know about Ayurveda and my experiences with PK.

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My Napa Valley faves
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

My Napa Valley faves

I just returned home from an incredible 5 day girls trip to Napa with my mom and two sisters! If you are a lover of nature, wine, and food I highly recommended a trip to Napa! Napa Valley is thirty miles long and five miles wide, it is home to over 500 wineries. The main towns are: Napa, Yountville, Oakville, Rutherford, St. Helena, and Calistoga. I was lucky enough to explore Napa, Yountville, Calistoga, and St. Helena. They each had their own personality and unique style. Read on for some of my favorite parts of my trip.

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What you should buy organic
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

What you should buy organic

The meaning of organic is the way the fruits and vegetables are grown and harvested. Organic produce is grown with natural fertilizer and does not have the use of any pesticides whatsoever. There are many reasons for buying organic produce. Organic produce contains a higher content of beneficial nutrients, is fresher, better for the environment, and is GMO free.

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Learn to Love Yourself
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

Learn to Love Yourself

Self-love is one of the hardest challenges life has to offer. Being accepting and content with how your life is going is something a lot of people struggle with. If you feel unloved in this world sometimes, know that is normal and you can search for this love within. Self-love is the best kind of love there is. It is very powerful to be open to challenging yourself in healthy ways, but never judge yourself. I want to share with you a few healthy ways I stay in-tune with myself and practice self-love. These tips have helped me learn to be accepting of all of me and be able to share my true love + happiness with others.

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What I Keep on my Grocery List
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

What I Keep on my Grocery List

The grocery store or farmers market is where I find most of my inspiration when creating recipes. Of course there are staples I love to have in my kitchen at all times. Read on to see my tips on seasonal eating and the staples I have in my kitchen at all times!

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Why I Choose Natural Sugars Over Refined Sugars
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

Why I Choose Natural Sugars Over Refined Sugars

My goal in this post is not to scare you out of eating occasional fun treats, but just to share healthy replacements for refined sugar so you have the knowledge to make a more conscious choice. Here is a list of my favorite alternative and what I use them in

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4 Healthy Cookwares to Keep in Your Kitchen
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

4 Healthy Cookwares to Keep in Your Kitchen

Healthy fats and oils are an important part of our daily intake for ultimate wellness. They are a key source of energy for us, and where we get most of essential fatty acids. Healthy oils are high in “healthy fats” which help the body have the energy to get through each day.

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Happy Earth Day!
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day Earthlings! These are a few simple changes I strive to make in my life to help protect Mother Nature, the same way she protects us. Try one or try all of my sustainable living tips. I promise every try counts and you will start to feel better about how you treat our beautiful Earth! Enjoy your Earth Day and don't forget to thank Earth for all it provides us with!

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How to Spice up your Life
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

How to Spice up your Life

If you’re looking to spice up your life and build your kitchen spice rack keep reading! Most people never knew that spices can benefit our health and wellness. I will share with you my 8 favorite spices and why. That way you can create then play around with your own spice blend creations.

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The 5 Best Oils for Conscious Cooking
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

The 5 Best Oils for Conscious Cooking

Healthy fats and oils are an important part of our daily intake for ultimate wellness. They are a key source of energy for us, and where we get most of essential fatty acids. Healthy oils are high in “healthy fats” which help the body have the energy to get through each day.

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The Healing Powers of Celery
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

The Healing Powers of Celery

This herb can change lives! The powerful antioxidants in celery help to heal arthritis, psoriasis, acne, hormone in balances, and more! Read on to learn about the healing powers of celery!

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Tips for Building a Strong Immune System in the Winter
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

Tips for Building a Strong Immune System in the Winter

Winter can be a very difficult time of year for people to build a strong immune system. This is why it is so important to follow certain steps to keep yourself from catching a cold. Here are a few tips I practice to keep my immune system strong throughout this time of year.

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My Personal Wellness Journey
Gabrielle Burt Gabrielle Burt

My Personal Wellness Journey

I’m Gabrielle, I believe we can heal our bodies through a nutrient dense diet that is loaded with plants and rich in vitamins and minerals.

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