My Personal Wellness Journey

I’m Gabrielle, I believe we can heal our bodies through a nutrient dense diet that is loaded with plants and rich in vitamins and minerals.


I was fortunate enough to grow up with health driven parents who led my sisters and I on the path of health and wellness. It wasn’t until my sophomore year of high school, when I tore my ACL, that I realized how important it was to listen to and respect our bodies. I always had a strong passion for helping others, but never knew how that would come into play in my future. Growing up in the kitchen definitely helped guide me on my path of nutrition and food.

While I was in high school, my mom’s friend came to our house and cooked with us a few times a year showing us new techniques and recipes for Indian cuisine. She trained in Singapore for a few years studying Ayurveda and cooking as an apprentice. This is when I really started to appreciate the art of being in the kitchen.

When I began my engineering degree in college, I had a feeling I was on the wrong path. I was always good at math and science growing up which lead me to choose engineering. After about a month in that degree I knew it was not my passion. I searched through all Auburn had to offer as degrees and decided I would change my degree to Auburn’s Nutrition Wellness program. This lasted about two years until I realized I didn’t just want the college nutrition basics. I wanted more, I wanted the holistic background in nutrition. I searched and searched for what I wanted to do, when finally I found Bauman College’s Holistic Nutrition Certification program. I thought I was going to have to beg my parents to let me drop out of Auburn and attend Bauman’s program, but I didn't. They were extremely supportive in letting me choose my own path and journey.

Now I am 5 months out of my program and officially a certified Holistic Nutritionist. I am in no way done learning. I have currently been living in Utah trying to improve my culinary skills and knowledge working at a natural foods cafe. As exciting as this journey has been here in Utah, it is time to further my knowledge and skills even more.

In a few months I will be attending The Institute of Culinary Education is Los Angeles, Ca. I will be apart of their Health-Supportive Culinary Arts program. If you know me, you know that attending a culinary arts program has been one of my biggest desires in life. So, this is a very exciting step for me. Throughout this program I will be sharing the knowledge I learn about culinary skills and how certain nutrients can heal the body.

Continue following me along my journey as I post healthy recipes and nutrition driven posts. If you are in search of nutritional guidance go to my “work with me” page and we can get you on the right path towards wellness.

XO, Gabrielle

Gabrielle Burt

Holistic Lifestyle Coaching + Wellness Chef based in Los Angeles

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