Happy am I. Healthy am I. Holy am I.

I learned this saying from my mom when I was in high school. She encouraged me to say it out-loud to my self threes time each night before bed and again three times in the morning before I got out of bed. It brought me a sense of peace before I slept and before I started my day. If you are not big into meditation, this may be there perfect way for you to find a peaceful and positive mantra in your life each day. It doesn’t take much time at all to repeat out loud three times or maybe even write it in a journal. Think about what makes you happy, healthy, and holy.

The breathing technique

There is actually a breath-work technique you can use along with your mantra. 3HO.org explains this technique as follows:

"This meditation uses the power of the breath to enhance the depth of the effects of the mantra Healthy am I, Happy am I, Holy am I. It also enhances the ability to carry out your intentions.

When practiced correctly, the breath will slow to two and a half breaths per minute. This shift from the normal 12-15 breaths per minute is significant. Once the breath rate is slower than four breaths per minute, the central brain starts functioning more intensely. The pineal and pituitary glands shift their relationship to each other.

In this state the effects of outer and inner sound are greater. The mantra will become more penetrating. A larger portion of yourself will be able to synchronize and carry out your intentions.”

What they are saying is try to calm your nerves and slow your breathing before repeating the mantra. This gives your brain and central nervous systems a better chance to slow down and take in what you are saying to yourself. Happy you are, Healthy you are, Holy you are.

What this Mantra means to me

Happy am I

This has been a game changer for me. I find most people have ups and down in life and we start to wonder if we are really happy with where we are, who were with, what we’re doing, etc. I have found happiness doesn’t come from the things or people around you, it comes from within. Repeating Happy am I has brought me inner peace within. I start to be more aware of the true happiness I have for myself. I think about where i’ve been, what i’ve gone through and where I am headed and I couldn’t be more proud of myself. Of course, this feeling can change but a good promise to make yourself is try to always find the good in a situation. If its that bad where you can find good, then maybe it is time to adjust your path and journey. Keep your head up and find trust and happiness within.

Healthy am I

This one takes work. It is not just health in a sense of what you eat and how you look. Personal healthiness comes form your mind set, daily routine, sleep patterns, and positive energy. Yes, absolutely try to eat as many veggies as possible and limit the processed foods, this will help with your overall health. But, also, find health in your mind. Practice healthy thoughts about yourself, others, your current state, your past, and your future. Keeping a positive mindset in life will help keep you on a healthy journey. Pay attention to the amount of rest you allow yourself, listen to your body. Nap and rest when you’re tired and sleep as much as you can at night, try for 8 hours. Sleep is crucial for our health. Find a morning routine that keeps you waking up looking forward to starting your day. This can be sitting and enjoying your coffee, taking a hot shower, turning on fun music, or even a quick morning stroll. Find balance with in all life routines and you will continue on a healthy path.

Holy am I

Holy has many meanings. For me it means spirituality. I have never been the routined person to make it to church every Sunday, and I believe thats is okay! I find that I feel to most holy and spiritual when I am outside, hiking, biking, swimming, walking, etc. I am to most connected with my spirituality when I moving my body promoting self wellness and mindfulness. Everyones way to get in touch with themselves or a higher power is different and remember that is absolutely okay. Try not to compare yourself to anyone else’s habits or beliefs. Finding your own routine of holiness is best for yourself.

Practicing the mantra of Happy am I. Healthy am I. Holy am I. can bring loads of inner peace and joy. Write these words down at the beginning of each month and answer what makes you happy, healthy, and holy. Then try to repeat this mantra three times morning and night. At the end of the month see if your reasons have changed or maybe even grown stronger. We are all on our own personal journeys in this world, no one person is the same. Stay true to yourself and know we are all doing the best we can!



Gabrielle Burt

Holistic Lifestyle Coaching + Wellness Chef based in Los Angeles 


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